Building Permit
Building Permit Packet should contain :
- Building Permit Application
- FEMA Elevation Certification
- FEMA Flood proofing Certification
- Building Information Sheet
- Water and/or Sewer Connection Application
The building permit application should be completed in full and returned to City Hall at 438 Main for approval. Please note that building information sheet outlines the steps that must be completed before permit is issued. In addition, building permit fees, inspection deposit and connection fees shall be paid prior to approval.
The permit fees are :
$5.00 for construction under 1,000 square feet.
$7.50 for construction of 1,000 square feet up to 4,999 square feet.
$10.00 for construction of 5,000 square feet up to 9,999 square feet.
$15.00 for construction over 10,000 square feet.
$25.00 for all commercial construction.
$5.00 per unit for apartments.
Inspection deposit of $200.00 is required for residential construction.
Connection fees for sewer are $250.00; apartments are $250.00 per unit.
Connection fees for water are $500.00; $750.00 if installation requires street repair. This fee pays for water meter and installation of meter. Lines to said meter are the responsibility of the applicant.
Elevation Certificate must be completed and copy returned to City Hall if applicant’s construction is in an “A” “AO” or “A1” flood zone. FIRM maps are posted at City Hall. Elevation Certification can not be completed until construction applied for has been completed, but copy must be returned to City Hall before occupancy permit will be issued. In addition, anyone constructing basements shall complete a flood proofing certificate and shut off valves installed in drain tiles to sump.
The building information sheet outlines the inspections required during construction and must be complied with. A surety bond of $1,000.00 or in lieu of a bond a certificated of liability insurance covering the work with a $30,000.00 minimum for bodily damages and $50,000.00 for property damage must be on file at City Hall for all contractors engaged in business within the City. In addition, if you are building in a subdivision which has approved protective covenants you must comply with said covenants.
We hope that this information assists you in planning the construction you wish to apply for. If you have further questions please contact City Hall.