Business Utility Billing Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to do to get water and sewer service started for a business in Rossville?

You will be asked to fill out and sign a Business Service Utility Application agreeing to pay for the water and sewer service at the location requested. The Utility Service Application needs to be returned to City Hall before service can be turned on. Review the Business Application Information sheet for additional details regarding billing.

A meter deposit must also be paid before the water meter is turned on. The minimum deposit is $75. Where it is evident that a $75 deposit is insufficient to cover service provided, the service deposit may be increased to cover the estimated consumption.

On your first bill an Activation Charge of $25 is applied.

Refer to the City Code Book, Section 15-109 and Section 15-202 for further information concerning water and sewer rates.

There are taxes billed on water as well as a state Water Protection Fee.

How do I arrange for Trash Service?

You need to make arrangements with a private trash provider to pick up trash from your place of business.


Phone Service


Gas Service

Kansas Gas Service

Electricity Service

Westar Energy

Cable Television

Zito Media 1-800-365-6988